Use this option to enable or disable themailbox. An extension mailbox is not ac-cessible when it is disabled (even thoughits stored messages and configuration areretained in memory.) If disabled, a userpressing Message initiates a remote logonand is asked to enter their mailbox num-ber. A voice prompt then announces: “Thatmailbox does not exist.”To make programming easier, considerassociating a mailbox number with a sta-tion port. For example, mailbox 1 couldcorrespond to port 1, which in turn corre-sponds to extension 101.Mailbox 1 ~ 64 :1Mailbox 65 ~ : 002Mailbox NumberUp to eight digitsUse this option to select the extensionnumber associated with the mailbox youare programming. Normally, mailbox 1should use Mailbox Number 101, mailbox2 should use Mailbox Number 201, 101etc.To make programming easier, considerassociating a mailbox number with a sta-tion port. For example, mailbox 1 couldcorrespond to port 1, which in turn corre-sponds to extension 101.Mailbox 1 = 101Mailbox 2 ~ 64 =102 ~ 164Mailbox 65 ~ =No Setting03Number of Messages0 ~ 99 messagesTo conserve storagespace, enter 0 for all un-used mailboxes.Use this option to set the maximum num-ber of messages that can be left in theSubscriber Mailbox. If a caller tries toleave a message after this limit is reached,they hear : “That mailbox is full.” InMailthen hangs up.Mailbox 1 = 99Mailbox 2 ~ = 2004Message PlaybackOrder0 (FIFO = first-in/ first-out, or oldest messagesfirst).1 (LIFO = last-in/ first-out, or newest messagesfirst)Use this option to set the Subscriber Mail-box message playback order. When a sub-scriber listens to their messages, InMailcan play the oldest messages first (first-in/first-out, or FIFO), or the newest messag-es first (last-in/first-out, or LIFO).