With Callback, a user does not have to repeatedly call a busy extension back, hoping to find it idle.
When an extension user calls a busy co-worker, they can leave a Callback request for a return call. The system services Callback requests as follows:
● Caller at extension A leaves a Callback at extension B.
Caller can place or answer additional calls in the mean time.
● When extension B becomes idle, the system rings extension A. This is the Callback ring.
● Once caller A answers the Callback ring, the system rings (formerly busy) extension B. If caller A doesn’t answer the Callback ring, the system cancels the Callback.
● As soon as caller B answers, the system sets up an Intercom call between A and B.
An extension user can leave a Callback at many extensions simultaneously. The system processes the Callbacks as the extensions become free. In addition, many extensions can leave a Callback at the same extension. The system processes these Callbacks on a first-in/first-out (FIFO) basis.
If an extension user leaves a Callback request and then fails to answer within four rings, the system cancels the Callback.