Delimiter Dial Code

Receive Format Delimiter Dial Code Route Setup of Receive Dial 0 = Address 1 = *  ANI 2 = * *  DNIS 3 = *  ANI * *  Address 4 = 5 = ( *  ANI *  DNIS *  DNIS *  ANI *  = Delimiter Code) 1 ~ 9, 0, #, * 0 = Fixed Route (Item 08) (No Routing) 1 = Routes on Received DNIS or Address Data 2 = Routes on Received ANI Data COS 01 = 0 COS 02 ~ 15 = 0 * * * Use this option to specify the format of the ANI/DNIS data received from the Telco. Make sure your entry is compatible with the service the Telco provides. The character *  indicates a delimiter.If Program 34-01-02 is selected to 2 (MF), this Program works only as 4 = *ANI *DNIS *. This option defines the character Telco uses as a delimiter (see entries 1 ~ 5 in Item 1 above). Valid entries are 0 ~ 9, #, and *. This option specifies the source of the data the system uses to route incoming ANI/DNIS calls. If option  2  is selected, refer to Program 34-09-04