Placing Calls Quickly
 Directory Dialing
Search 1/90
_ ABC Ltd Search 6/24
1st Character
you want to search
On-Hook Condition

Press several times to search

 After searching the desired destination, press “Enter” Key to confirm the telephone number before lifting the handset, if necessary.
 You can enter more characters (up to 12) to make desired destination’s search even more specific.
 You can also search the desired destination without entering the characters (press Cursor Keys only).  To cancel the Directory Dialing operation, press “Clear/Back” Key.  Directory Dialing can be activated using Soft Key operation.
 Last Number Dialing
Dialed Number 01/10 0312345678
DEC TUE 22 03:29PM
Dialed Number 03/10 0987654321
DEC TUE 22 01:12PM
# 5
Press several times to search
Lnd Save Rls
Redial List
On-Hook Condition

Quick Redial Speaker
Trunk Key

 The system retains the last 10 numbers dialed, which can be reviewed and redialed.  To cancel the Redial List operation, press “Clear/Back” Key.
 Callback by Received Number
Received Call 01/10 03344455566
DEC TUE 22 04:31PM
Received Call 03/10 09988776655
DEC TUE 22 11:38AM
On-Hook Condition

Press several times to search

 Caller-ID function is required to use this operation for outside calls. Ask your NEC Authorized Supplier for more details.
 To cancel the Callback operation, press “Clear/Back” Key.For AVAYA, NORSTAR, NEC, SAMSUNG, MITEL, PANASONIC, TOSHIBA telephone systems and voicemail call (866)206-2316 or email