Enable/disable the ability to processthe Call Screening commands (1 +extension number) sent from theVoice Mail. You should normally en-able this option to allow for VoiceMail Call Screening. Disable this op-tion if your system has been modi-fied so that extensions begin withthe digit 1(e.g., 101, 102, etc.). Alsosee the “Flexible System Number-ing” feature.045-01-1104Park and Page0 = Off1 = OnEnable/disable the system ability toprocess the Voice Mail Park andPage (*) commands. You shouldnormally enable this option.145-01-1205Message Wait0 = Off1 = OnEnable/disable the system ability toprocess the Voice Mail MessageWait (#) commands. You shouldnormally enable this option. If ena-bled, be sure that the programmedMessage Notification strings don’tcontain the code for trunk access.145-01-1306Record AlertTone IntervalTime0 ~ 64800 secondsThis time sets the interval betweenVoice Mail Conversation Recordalerts.30 07CentralizedVoice mail PilotNo. (V1.5 Added)Dial (Up to 8 digits)Assign this number the same as theextension number or pilot number.No Setting 08CentralizedVoice Mail De-partment GroupNumber (V1.5Added)0 ~ 320 = No Voice Mail As-signedAssign which Extension (Depart-ment) Group Number is used as theCentralized Voice Mail group.0 09CentralizedVoice Mail mas-ter Name (V1.5Added)Up to 12 charactersAssign the Centralized Voice MailMaster Name.