Pros and Cons of VoIP

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The primary appeal of VoIP is its ability to save money for customers as well as service providers.Desirable new applications and the bypassing toll charges, is driving interest higher.
The deployment of VoIP has its downside. VoIP does not provide the high-quality, Uninterrupted Voice Transmission that businesses demand (and receive) over the traditional telephone.
Other hurdles for VoIP are Packet Loss and Fragmentation(not uncommon in IP networks), and the Delay, Latency, and Jitter that accompany It.
These factors, though not threats per se, do affect confidentiality and reliability on VoIP systems.

For AVAYA, NORSTAR, NEC, SAMSUNG, MITEL, PANASONIC, TOSHIBA telephone systems and voicemail call (866)206-2316 or email