Call wait

When SIP Phone receives second call wait, user can switch talking to each other. There are a few kinds of call wait and according to the type of call wait operation of switching talk is different.
Operation Receive 2nd call
1. In Case of, SIP Phone has no Call Wait feature or Call Wait is disabled: − If caller is from CO line then the call will be rerouted by system setting
− If caller is from a Station then the caller will hear busy tone. During busy tone, the user can press “*” for Camp-On call or “#” for Voice-Over. The SIP Phone user who receives this 2nd call will hear notification tone from system.
− The SIP Phone user who receives this 2nd can make hold for 1st call talking and switch to 2nd call for talking by press [HOLD] twice.
2. In Case of, SIP Phone has Call Wait feature and Call Wait is enabled:
− The 2nd call is accepted by the SIP Phone and user who receives this 2nd call will
hear notification tone from Phone itself.
− The caller from CO or Station will hear ringback tone ore coloring.
− The SIP Phone user who receives this 2nd can make hold for 1st call talking and
switch to 2nd call for talking by,
a) 3rd party SIP Phone : press [HOLD] twice.
b) Ericsson-LG WIT400H SIP Phone : press [HOLD] once.
c) Ericsson-LG LIP88xx and LIP8002 SIP Phone : press Up or Down of Navigation button.